近日,研究院青年教师孟婷在国际期刊《Aquaculture Economics & Management》发文谈水产品家庭消费及其影响因素。研究发现,收入、水产品安全认知和质量偏好等是家庭水产品支出的重要决定因素。
论文是中国农业大学全球食物经济与政策研究院青年教师孟婷和上海海洋大学王春晓副教授等学者的合作研究成果。该论文是国家自然科学基金青年项目(# 72103188)的阶段性研究成果。
Consumption of aquatic products in China continues to growand encourages the expansion of aquaculture farms. The examination of factors influencing expenditures on all aquatic products, freshwater fish, squid/octopus, and shellfish uses survey data collected from residents of Shanghai, China. The use of the Tobit modeling approach identified socio-demographic variables such as income, aquatic product safetyperceptions, and preferences for quality as significant determinants of expenditures on aquatic product categories. Expenditures tend to increase with age, but the effect of education varies with regard to specific categories, suggesting distinct choices of educated consumers. Wives tend tospend substantially less on aquatic products than husbands. Knowledge of past sickness due to ingestion of aquatic products causes expenditures to dropin all categories, while quality certification, certified organic origin, andcertified aquaculture products increase expenditure in selected categories. Monitoring consumer socio-demographic profiles and establishing transparentquality certification systems will benefit aquaculture farms and aquatic product marketers.
孟婷博士现任中国农业大学全球食物经济与政策研究院研究员,2019年入选中国农业大学首批 “人才培育发展计划”青年科研新星A类。博士毕业于美国佐治亚大学(UGA)农业和应用经济学专业。加入中国农大之前,在美国麻省理工学院(MIT)从事环境经济与政策的博士后研究工作。主要研究方向为农业经济学和资源环境经济学,包括绿色技术和行为的微观主体采纳、生态绿色标识农产品的市场和消费、气候变化对农业生产的影响等方向,在Energy,Landscape and Urban Planning, China Agricultural Economics Review, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Waste Management,Resource、Conservation & Recycling等国际学术期刊上发表论文多篇。主持和参与国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、国家林草局、国家绿色食品发展中心等科研项目。
1. AGFEP 樊胜根、孟婷谈如何防范和应对全球农食系统面临的风险组合风暴2. AGFEP 樊胜根、孟婷、王晶晶参与首期A5联盟暑期学校“农食系统”全球网络研讨会3. AGFEP 樊胜根在《Nature Food》上撰文谈经济学和新兴经济体在食物系统转型中的贡献及角色提升4. AGFEP 孟婷老师作为主笔之一撰写的山区乡村振兴政策报告获山西省领导重要批5. AGFEP成员孟婷博士在世界粮食论坛—青年研讨会受邀发言